Drafting Headlines and Description Schedule on Social Media

Headlines and Descriptions

We will create a draft for social media headlines and descriptions in the most engaging way possible for your clips and highlights. This will also include hashtags and keywords for clips or episodes.

Scheduling in Social Media


We will schedule all the contents on your social media accounts using the tools and apps that we have with the drafted headlines and descriptions upon your approval.


We will also search for the most relevant and used hashtags for each clip and episode that will help us reach your target audience.


We will do research on your guests and find their social media profiles for us to tag them on each of your posts. You can also request other people aside from your guest whom you wanted to be tagged.

Social Media Code Confirmation

Please take note that we will have to confirm all the social media logins by sending us back the confirmation codes for us to successfully connect your social media accounts to our publishing tools. So we might ask you to schedule a time to do this which will only take a couple of minutes.

Social Media Scheduling Package

$45/6 posts
  • Draft Headlines and Descriptions
  • Upload to all Social Media Sites
  • Social Media Scheduling
  • Hashtags
  • Tagging
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